Thursday, June 10, 2021

Physical medications are forms of "spells," but... (T-2.V.2.)

Rene's Schizophrenia.


_page0006 | updated 21 June 2021, by Lucifer Christ.

Four headings:

1. Schizophrenic "Disorganized Thinking"

2. Schizophrenia: the presence of ongoing "Delusions of Grandeur"

3. Understanding why thinking "I am not God" is false

4. The problem coexists with the answer







I am an English teacher in Taiwan, and I am Schizophrenic. 


Since 3 Sept 2012, nine doctors diagnosed me with a lot of different mental disorders culminating in severe Schizophrenia and "Schizoaffective Disorder". 


I met a tenth doctor recently on 31 May 2021 in Tainan City, Taiwan, but he falsely asserted that the psychologist couldn't conduct the court-requested forensic mental assessment because my delusion prevented me from submitting my body to a physical exam.


Normally, I probably shouldn't be allowed to teach young children, but school managers in Taiwan don't always follow the law. 


Currently, one rather large private school claims that this story is maliciously ruining their reputation, and, therefore, I should be sent to prison or pay a fine (but I can continue sharing this story, because it's absolutely true and concerns absolutely everyone). 


This page explains why my Schizophrenia is ongoing, since I'm going to need to argue that in court.  (The school is also accusing me of threats, intimidation, and extortion.  If any of the allegations were true, I certainly wouldn't be so prolifically public about this.)



1. Schizophrenic "Disorganized Thinking"


I understand that I am Schizophrenic because my thinking is not organized. 


For example, when I try to write, I write using proper English grammar.  The sentences appear, and I can read them.  But I can't seem to write what I need to say in order to accomplish what I need to get done.  Then I end up adding, editing, and finally re-writing things over and over.  That results in a huge waste of time, years.  I've been trying to share an important story for many years.


I used Google to translate the heading "Disorganized Thinking", and then I reverse translated the Chinese to see if Google preserved the meaning.  Google enlightened me that "Disorganized Thinking" means "Confusion".  I'd never thought about it like that, but that's exactly what it is.


And then I explored the translation to really understand if the meaning is the same.  I quickly realized that "disorganized" means "not organized", "not in the expected order", and not "chaos". 


I do seem to pay careful attention to detail, far more carefully than anyone else I've met, but I also quickly leave an issue, or argument, once the argument is resolved in my mind.  This results in seemingly abrupt changes of thought, when in fact the issue is solved to my own satisfaction and I am once again in a peaceful mindset or working on a new issue.  Usually I just enjoy the peace, which is why my wife and I laugh a lot and really enjoy spending time together. 


The rest is really controlling the emotions that arrive while new thinking is sorting itself out.  Acting out of anger, beheading children, throwing chairs across the room, none of that helps a situation.  Luckily, I'm not a violent person.  I get frustrated, which seems to scare people that don't know me, but my wife knows me.  She just stays quiet, and eventually I recover my head and apologize and we talk about the actual issue causing us unnecessary stress.  I joke that I keep my wife's life interesting and not dull.  I'm like her favourite TV program, an ongoing soap opera of many characters which she never gets bored of watching.


My wife and I agree that the most important thing in the world is forgiveness, and that forgiving someone or something is also usually the hardest thing to do exactly at the time when it is most needed.  It's usually easier to blame, throw a tantrum, or otherwise act insane than simply forgive.


Life is really just about understanding how things work, and then using that understanding to help things work better, more efficiently, to create a more sustainable environment, isn't it?


Just because my thinking does not follow the order that I expect, or that others expect from me, that doesn't mean that my thinking does not have more order, and better order, than I currently recognize.  In fact, I'm certain that my thinking has perfect order.  And that leads me to the second requirement of Schizophrenia: the presence of an ongoing delusion.


Before I continue, I want to add that my wife is truly awesome.  She's actually more than my wife.  She's my best friend.  We were friends a long time before we married, and we'll probably remain best friends if we ever divorce, but, honestly, why would two people get a divorce if both people are always focused on the importance of forgiveness and working together?  Specifically: a wife will say "Don't have sex with other girls!" but a best friend will say "Go, have fun, just don't hurt yourself or hurt others.  I will always be your friend because that's what true friendship means."  Eventually the silliness of wanting to be with other people is replaced with the desire to really just make the world a better place.



2. Schizophrenia: the presence of ongoing "Delusions of Grandeur".


In my opinion, I am the smartest person I know.  I know there is no other person alive that is smarter than I am because I understand that everyone shares the exact same mind, which means no one has the ability to be smarter than anyone else!


Because I understand that everyone shares only one same eternal mind, that individual private mind don't really exist (refereeing to the Edward Snowden watershed, even the U.S.A.'s N.S.A. accepts that privacy rights of individuals should be considered a joke and disregarded complete), therefore I am also always willing to say:

I think we're having a misunderstanding.  I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're trying to say.  Are we working together at the same goal of establishing the same sustainable worldwide peace, not?  Because what you're telling me conflicts with a plan that I've already begun to help everyone enjoy worldwide peace without hurting anyone, and without causing any loss.  So, can you please be more clear?  Explain it to me as if I were a 2-year-old.  Don't just say "I already told you", and don't expect me not to continue to suggest a better way to accomplish our common goal unless you can prove to me that my plan is not possible.  With enough support, everything is possible.

因為我明白每個人都只有一個永恆的心靈,那個個人的私人心靈並不真正存在(以愛德華 斯諾登 分水嶺為例,即使是美國的國家安全局也承認個人隱私權應該被視為笑話而無視完整) ,所以我也總是願意說:


Really though, in every situation I always have a response, even if it's only reassure my wife that, in the many lifetimes I remember living, "I haven't taken the time to develop that talent.  My skill is making consistent notes and following the notes I make, like a lawyer".


How do I know that everyone shares the same mind?  How do I know that I am all people, but am just not consciously aware of being all people?


That's actually easy to answer.  However, willingness to honestly hear the answer is directly proportional to the ability to understand the answer.  I've included the answer below, under the heading "Understanding why thinking 'I am not God' is false".


When we are unconsciously not willing to receive an answer, not willing to honestly hear the answer, then the answer must confuse us. 


Your confusion will then cause you to want to explain "What you are saying can't be correct.  Your mind must not be right.  You suffer from ongoing mental illness.  I don't want to judge you, but your thinking is disorganized.  From it, in the confusion, you experience the illusion of correctness, the illusion self-justified righteousness, what medical experts call a 'Delusion of Grandeur'." 


I just typed that response, so you ought to recognize that I'm at least aware of the argument.  But even if you say all of that and not simply tell me "You are wrong", and you believe that you are correct, honestly, did you explain anything at all? 


Is calling someone "Delusional" or "not right" an explanation of the cause of the confusion (why the person's thinking is not correct)?


Telling me "You are wrong" or "I told you so" only displays your own arrogance.  You should pay closer attention to what you say.  But, honestly, it's "normal", right?  It's normal to just throw your personal opinions at others and expect them to follow you without first asking if the person actually agrees with your opinion, right?  As far as I'm concerned, I'm "not normal", so why should I care about your rudeness? 


As long as we're working toward the same goal, we're actually happy.  And if we're unhappy, then we should definitely work toward a happier goal! 


My goal is gigantic, but not impossible.  You probably can't believe it, but it really does include all people. 


You never asked, but do you know why I strive to maintain such an impossibly large goal? 


The answer is so simple: because we cannot think about "nothing", and "consistent" thinking requires us to include all things into our plans before we can wake up from the nightmare of always reincarnating back into this hellish life on Earth. 


I don't want to come back here, ever again.  That's my real goal.  But you can't understand that as long as you believe that you stop thinking when your body dies.  It's you who's confused about the thinking part of you, not me!


Why would an individual continue to argue in court for 10 years, and use publicly agreed laws to prove that the answer is correct, unless a lot of people are truly in need of help to understand this!


Can the word "Schizophrenic" really mean what you think it means if I am explaining to you why, precisely, the body is not real, and why, precisely, the body cannot be the source of any of our thinking?  I am literally explaining to you that everything you think you know about life is incorrect, and that life does not work the way you imagine.  And all you can do is call me a name?  Why not pick a different word to call me?  Call me God! 


Next you will read why you can be certain that we share just one same mind, spirit, soul, or whatever you want to call the thinking part of us--the part that provides the ability of memory, the everlasting part, because whatever causes our thinking also always retains the ability to bridge different points in time without thinking.


If you are arguing with me in court about this, then you are going to hear this answer over and over again until you understand, truly, we really just share one mind (心靈). 



3. Understanding why thinking "I am not God" is false.


There are only two ways to think about your mind.  You can imagine you body contains your mind, and that your thinking will stop when your body dies, or you can understand that your body must exist inside your mind. 


One way leads to hopelessness and despair about the events in your life.  The other way must eventually cause you to want to help unconfuse people who suffer from hopelessness and despair. 


That is the most fundament continuous choice that everyone always shares.  Our momentary actions toward others tell us which choice we are currently making.  Eventually we learn to tell the difference, and learn to choose the right choice more consistently. 


That basically explains life anywhere in the universe (including on other planets).  That's also why you know the answer is true: because it applies everywhere and all of the time.


A "proof", that the right choice is not to consider the mind as being part of the body, follows.


The world is always changing.  (We must begin a proof with a true statement.)


Everything we see is made from small particles which are always moving.  Everything in the universe is always moving.  (We can ignore the fact that the particles originate from a quantum dimension which is not of physical origin.) 


Now, because everything is "always" moving, therefore we can only be certain of one thing: whatever made the universe is timeless because the idea of "always" is "without time".   The universe of time and space cannot affect or change the reality that eternally maintains the universe. 


"Timeless" means "existing beyond time", "originating outside time", and "existing all throughout every relative reality of time-space". 


A timeless reality must be perfectly unified, perfectly organized, with perfect organization (i.e. sentient), without any disagreement, consistent (i.e. constancy, consistency applied to itself), without any limits, and never ending.  Therefore, whatever is "timeless" is also always sentient and whatever is sentient is our mind. 


Conclusion: we share just one limitless eternal mind, and we really don't recognize it amidst all of the objects in our life that look like they're not moving when in fact they always are.



4. The problem coexists with the answer.


We share an eternal reality and we share this relative reality, but only one of them is absolutely real.


The issue is simply that we all share one common eternal reality, a reality which sustains just one mind, and that mind is our mind which we each implicitly always share, but which none of us really understands. 


For example, doctors believe that medical injections (into a body which isn't eternally real and which isn't the source and can't be the cause of our thinking) can influence our thinking without our permission.


This is where worldwide religions derive the idea that a common "God" must exist.  But worldwide religions are incorrect because the eternal reality ("God") cannot be separate from anything.  Therefore our perception of a separate "God", or even worse, of many different "Gods", is false.  From our finite perspective, it's more accurate to consider that "God" doesn't actually exist, and then to begin to realize that we cause all the "accidents" that happen to us each day.


Eternal is always the same, but it's also always increasing, it never remains the same from our perspective of whatever we can imagine eternal to be.  And that's why the world keeps changing!  Like a dream at night, we're not aware that our mind continuously builds our physical experiences, and we're certainly not aware that we can turn all negative experiences into mutually beneficial experiences when we don't want to truly work together!


My soul is your soul.  My spirit and your spirit are always trying to work together.  Physical life is just a momentary expression of a much larger, much more dominant confusion about the idea of always being (not just having) one eternal reality.



Next page0007, Welcoming Kidsland Sesame Street:


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Journal Of A Schizophrenic, with a twist.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A period of sorting out (M-4.I.A.4.)

Poking The Bear

_page0005 | updated 27 June 2021, by Rene Helmerichs


Nothing strange, just straight at the point: ONE China.


Taiwan advocates corruption

The government of Taiwan advocates international corruption.  Explanation:

It is the Taiwanese government's intention to deceive international countries while it retains the name "Republic Of China".

The Taiwan government does not explain that Taiwan has no historical authority to use the name "Republic Of China". 

AND, Taiwan doesn't have the legal authority to change its name.

The explanation continues.

The Republic Of China government began in 1911.  That's why the year in both mainland China and Taiwan is 110 in the "Common Era" (C.E.) year 2021.  "Common Era" used to be "A.D.", but people not caring to remember Jesus didn't want a Jesus-reference.  Remember, there are other major religions in the world apart from Christianity, and those religions have the right to remember key events specific to their history. 

China didn't own Taiwan in 1911, so we can skip forward past the part where the Republic Of China (R.O.C.) failed in 1914, caused China to divide in 1916, fought to unite China, and then declared war on itself the same year that it managed to unite China in 1926. 

China reclaimed Taiwan in 1945.  A few things happened in 1945. 

First, WWII ended.  The U.S.A. and U.K. agreed to take repossession of Taiwan from Japan, if Japan lost the Second World War.  Two horrific nukes put a very quick end to Japan's aggression.  Japan lost, and transferred ownership back to China on 25 Oct 1945.

Next, the in-fighting ended.  The in-fighting began when the KMT political party started killing political supporters of the CCP, from among the ranks of the KMT army, in 1926. 

During the Second World War, the in-fighting between the Chinese Nationalists (KMT) and the Chinese Communists (CCP) enjoyed a truce during WWII.  The two armies fought side-by-side to fend off invading troops from Japan

After the nukes fell on Japan in August 1945, the Japanese Emperor publicly announced surrender.  At the news, leaders of the KMT and CCP armies began official peace talks. 

The peace talks lasted over a month.  Evidently the U.S. ambassador to China witnessed the talks which concluded on 10 Oct 1945, "Double Ten" day. 

The Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Nationalist Party, which also called itself the rightful Republic Of China government, agreed that both political parties belonged to the Republic Of China government, and that the Republic Of China government represented all people in China.

Thereafter, throughout 1946, the KMT and CCP wrote the Constitution of the Republic Of China.  The Constitution took effect 1 Jan 1947.

The Constitution declared all of China to be founded on the principles of democracy, as envisioned by the man who managed to dethrone the 6-year-old Chinese Emperor in 1912.

So China was officially a democracy in 1947, and 1948, and 1949.

But a democracy requires the people of a land to have control of their government.  In other words, the people get to elect government representatives, and so forth.

The KMT leader was a long-time army general who quite evidently, as history shows, was not willing to be voted out of office.

Rather than allowing a majority opinion to rule the government, he took his army and tried to kill off anyone who challenged his stature.

The problem was, during WWII, the CCP foresaw deceit and managed to muster a much greater following.  Rather than be the incessant thorn in the dictator's ass, they gave the dictator a walloping. 

The KMT dictator ended up fleeing to Taiwan at the end of 1949 with a posse of a million-or-so comrades-in-flight.

Taiwan became overrun with Chinese rule when the KMT dictator arrived at the end of 1949.  One of the first things the dictator did, of course, was order people in Taiwan around.  That resulted in ugliness in Taiwan, and 37 years of martial law.

Mainland China didn't celebrate losing the dictator.  The people picked up the pieces of their government and quickly recovered as The People's Republic Of China.  They continued to try to stop the dictator from running China amuck.  Specifically, the KMT political party insisted that the rightful government of China relocated to Taiwan.

And that's what the government of Taiwan teaches to students in Taiwan: that the Republic Of China relocated to Taiwan.

The current government of Taiwan does not teach that the Republic Of China officially consisted of TWO political parties in 1949, and that only The Office Of The KMT relocated to Taiwan, and not the official Chinese government.




SINCE THE PEOPLE OF CHINA HAD TO FORM A NEW GOVERNMENT CALLED THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, the current Taiwan government actually has no authority over either the Constitution OR the name Republic Of China UNLESS the PEOPLE OF CHINA allow it.

And that's why China owns Taiwan.

The Taiwan Government can cry about it all it wants.

In fact, Taiwan continued its deception after 1949 until at least 1971.

In 1971, someone at the United Nations decided that, since Taiwan didn't actually control any part of the actual government of China, the United Nations had to change the official name of the Chinese government from "Republic Of China" to "People's Republic Of China".


And that's why the Taiwan Government continues to deceive all nations of the world.

Next page0006, About Rene's Schizophrenia (it's contagious):


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Journal Of A Schizophrenic, with a twist.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Oneness and sickness cannot coexist. (M-12.6.)

A Dynamic Story Heals

_page0004 | updated 29 June 2021, by Rene Helmerichs


This page is dedicated to Oneness. 

Ironing out kinks, that's all this is about.

Oneness, one, a, me, I.  You want coffee?  Make a fresh pot!  Why not offer us a cup?

Do you enjoy wine or beer?  Set out samples and offer them freely to passers-by.  Like attracts like, and you'll never know what more we might find unless we try.

The law doesn't say you can't offer your joys to others.  It only reminds of care, to be careful what you offer, by telling you how not to make a monster of a minor. 

If others don't want it, they don't need to take it.  If you force it, and save a life with your force, the insane will still complain.

But, really though, do you eat food?  Don't we all?  Imagine if your first concern was the body of your neighbour, and not your own.  You would only make meals to give away.  In that situation, if everyone did that, wouldn't everyone always be fed? 

Our work is a virus of goodness spreading across the whole of the globe.  When companies polluting our space eat only their own, they'll gag and choke and die off of start playing our tune.  There's no good reason in the whole of the damned world why WE need to continue to accept their insanity.

We're arguing against them to leave the rest of us in a healthy state of looking after each other, as though we're of a global body. 

Oneness, get it?

If we can't think of ourselves AS a world, how in the hell is the world supposed to function as one?

We all use the word "I". 

The word "not" in the phrase "I am not one" is the place of unlimited imagination. 

And yet, even imagining the concept of "not" is a common ability because "not" is the common tie establishing the collective use of "I", across the whole world, in every culture.

Long story short, you don't believe that you can heal our global body.  Heck, most of you don't even think of your own body as ours given your incessant reliance on pills to sleep or think correctly.

Inconsistency of personal considerations of a global body is the basic problem plaguing all humanity, and the cause of every known physical disease on earth.

We need to fix the way we perceive ourselves.

The rest is, well, all of the words in the world.

Are you ready yet to help us save the world?

It won't take more than sharing to begin. 

You are an equal extension of "I".  Together, we possess an unfathomable ability to heal.


Next Page 5 in this ongoing real news story, Poking The Bear:


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Journal Of A Schizophrenic, with a twist.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

This is a course in miracles. (T-in.1.)

About the book A Course In Miracles

_page0003 | updated 29 June 2021, by Rene Helmerichs


1. The Book A Course In Miracles

§       "Those who would learn the same course share one interest and one goal" (M-2.5.).

One autumn morning, waking from a dream in 1965, Helen Schucman heard a still silent voice.  Her day began "This is a course in miracles.  Please take notes." 

It continued each morning until she'd had enough.  It frightened her.  She felt like she was losing her mind. 

She taught psychology at the College Of Physicians And Surgeons of Columbia University, a top medical school in New York City and the world.

Frazzled, she approached her supervisor William (Bill) Thetford, also a doctor. 

Her boss happened to be a real-life CIA conductor of mind-control experiments.  He encouraged her to write down what her inner voice had to say. 

The ensuing notes became a song that worked backwards to create the book called A Course In Miracles, which in turn told the story of an impetus incessantly authoring a harmonic symphony.

Fast-forward 56 years to 2021.  Helen's notes exist in 26 languages worldwide with millions of real voices echoing the silent trumpet's trumping of the battle horn.

Yes, there are different versions of A Course In Miracles. 

No, it doesn't matter which version you're reading, or whether you're reading any version at all. 

References to in these pages are to the Third Edition published by The Foundation For Inner Peace. 

The point of the book is not to breed dependency on specific words, or even thoughts or ideas, but to understand "words are but symbols of symbols, twice removed from reality." (M-21.1)

Sometimes it's easier, and personally necessary, to get a second opinion about the book, or a third or fourth or as many as it takes to ensure everyone agrees it's not harmful, not a cult, and certainly not a new religion. 

Whatever the answer to any question about A Course In Miracles, if the knowledgeable person isn't directly and consistently demonstrating forgiveness, and especially forgiveness about Rene, do encourage the teacher to explain the purpose of the book a little more precisely. 

Specifically, be sure to weave the phrase "A Course In Miracles" or "the book" into any question about any thing to the knowledgeable person until you both agree that its words absolutely don't matter.  Only the idea of the idea of A Course In Miracles matters, and the idea is far beyond evaluation.

The book guides readers to consider all parts of an ever-changing reality like a dream.  It stresses "The body is the central figure in the dreaming of the world." (T-27.VIII.) and "Minds cannot unite in dreams.  They merely bargain." (W-185.4.). 

The book emphasizes that, during "a period of unsettling" (M-4.I.A.7.), important is to stay focused on the goal:

Remember that where your heart is, there is your treasure also.  You believe in what you value.  If you are afraid, you are valuing wrongly.  Your understanding will then inevitably value wrongly, and by endowing all thoughts with equal power will inevitably destroy peace. (T-2.II.1.)

The Foundation For Inner Peace first published A Course In Miracles in three volumes in 1976.  It's the original publisher.  But, like the story of the Republic Of China, "original" doesn't necessarily mean "rightful":

On 25 Oct 1945, the Republic Of China government received official ownership of the island of Taiwan from Japan (Japan received ownership from China in 1895).  The Republic Of China began governing all of China in 1911, year "0" in the current official Chinese calendar.  In 1946, all people of China supported the Constitution of The Republic Of China which declared all of China a democratic country in 1947.  But an army general led ruling party of the government, and he wasn't at all open to a democratic election.  By the end of 1949, the ruling party fled from an uprising of the people of mainland China.  The U.S.A. helped the separatists to remain separate on the island of Taiwan.  The ruling party retained the name "Republic Of China" and, with support from the U.S.A. and U.K., retained its seat on the United Nations Security Council as rightful publisher of laws in China.  By 1971, however, the United Nations had no choice but to update its official Chinese affiliation: the Republic Of China government retained zero publishing authority of Chinese laws after 1949.  The United Nations replaced Taiwan's Republic Of China with the name of a new official publisher of Chinese laws because the original separatist clique refused to get with the program of a worldwide speed-up.

No official copyright is possible on an idea which everyone implicitly shares.  However, it's also not going to help accomplish worldwide peace to argue about the intentions of a limitless sentience.  Like the book says, a universal theology is impossible.  A universal experience absent any theory is necessary (C-in.3).

The Second Edition combined the three-volume First Edition into one book, but included a pamphlet containing two additional "Supplements".  The Second Edition came out in 1992.

"Supplement" means "addition". 

The Third Edition combined the three-volume First Edition and two supplements again into one book.  It came out in 2007. 

The current "official" A Course In Miracles consists of the:

  • 1269-page Text (T),
  • 488-page Workbook (W),
  • 92-page Manual For Teachers (M),
  • 22-page Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice (P), and
  • 20-page Song Of Prayer (S).

Page count varies with spacing, font and page size. 

A sixth distinctly separate volume called Clarification Of Terms (C) exists as a separate volume within the Manual in the Third edition.  The page numbering between Manual For Teachers and Clarification Of Terms is unbroken, a structural inconsistency carried over from the First Edition.

The Clarification Of Terms (C) applies to the entire book.  It is separately designated its own volume-label, the letter C, in the 2006 electronic CD ROM edition version from the Foundation For Inner Peace.

A "volume" is a stand-alone book, like each of the 66 books inside the King James Version of the Roman Catholic bible.  Not everyone understands the Catholic bible is a combined volume of 66 different-length "books", the shortest being "3 John" according to a study by Jeffrey Kranz in 2015.  (Rene always thought it was The Book Of Ruth at 3 pages, which he incorrectly remembered as The Book Of Jude when he heard us suggest "Jude" as an example to use here.)

The first official Electronic Edition contained the Second Edition and Supplements together on one CD ROM but in many digital files.  Rene re-combined the CD ROM edition without loss as single-file searchable Word document. 

That file, incidentally can be used to graduate "official" teachers of the book at the intended school, if the Foundation For Inner Peace continues to be unwilling to support what they refer to as a "third party" (like a "third world") global initiative.  Here's the file in PDF, with a one-page spoiler added following the Text's Introduction:

Quotes from the book in these pages are from the single-file Word document made from a CD ROM purchased from the Foundation For Inner Peace at the start of 2007.

References to any of the official editions of A Course In Miracles typically begin with the volume label: T, W or WB, M or specifically C, P, or S.  For example:

  • "to teach is to learn, so that teacher and learner are the same" (M-in.1.)
  • "Teach only love, for that is what you are." (T-6.I.13)
  • "Everything you teach you are learning.  Teach only love, and learn that love is yours and you are love." (T-6.III.4.)
  • "love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and thankful mind" (M-23.4.)

Polite references ensure awareness that a quote is from A Course In Miracles.

The first number following the volume identifier denotes the part, chapter, or unit identifier.  Only the Workbook contains "Parts" and only the Text has specifically labelled "Chapters". 

Throughout the combined complete Course, the chapter format of headings in the Text is preserved in the Manual, Clarification, Psychotherapy, and Song volumes using ALL-CAPs typeset, centered at the top of a new page. 

Using the ALL-CAPs format to identify chapters, the Manual contains 29 short chapters separated into 28 questions with a conclusion titled "as for the rest..." in gentle loving reminder that consistent miracle working always entails asking questions, irrespective of the subject being taught, to forever mitigate undue stress resulting from force of will or past imperfections.

So does the Workbook have chapters?  Not real.  In the Workbook, the words PART, LESSON, and REVIEW are written using all-caps in absence of a heading which isn't also the content, and lessons are not always presented on a new page, to save paper and space.

The first electronic edition of the course by the Foundation doesn't add the Workbook's Part-reference to lessons.  For example, Lesson 1 is in Part 1 of the Workbook but is simply noted "W-1". 

The lack of Workbook Part-reference omits reader awareness of the location of headings such as Review I to IV of Part I and the 14 questions of Part II with respect to the 365 separate lessons.  For example considering seeing simply "W-94" and "" as two Workbook references, it's difficult to tell that Review II comes before Lesson 94, or that Review II is entirely only an Introduction to Lessons 81 to 110.

It's admittedly still a work in progress, "This course is a beginning, not an end." (W.ep.1.).

Except in the Workbook, a capital Roman numeral after the chapter number, for example T-14.I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, or C-14.XI, denotes a unit or subchapter. 

For example, "T-2.V. The Function of the Miracle Worker" is the fifth ("V" means "five") subchapter in Chapter 2 of the Text. 

All chapters in the Text each have from 4 to 11 units. 

In the Manual, only questions 4 and 5 contain Roman numeral subdivisions. 

The remaining three volumes, C-P-and-S, all contain from 0 to 5 chapter subdivisions, but they have just a few chapters each anyway.

Capital alphabet letters denote further division, or a sub-subchapter or sub-unit section of Romanized units, for example "T-2.V.A. Special Principles of Miracle Workers"

There is occasional inconsistency in Third Edition of paragraph numbering of alphabet divisions within a Roman numeral subchapter.  For example, Number 1 does not denote the first paragraph of alphabet divisions of T-2.V or M-4.I but Number 1 does denote the first paragraph of alphabet divisions of T-6.V and T-19.IV.  Incidentally, those are the only areas with alphabet divisions.

Line numbers exist, but aren't usually cited.

Alternatively, publishers generally retain copyright over a version or edition name.  Citing the page number of Edition and version works as well, especially when referring to 1975 HLC Edition which was typed on typewriter and looks a lot more like a first draft of a first edition than any official book.  This is the start of the 1975 HLC Edition, also called the 1975 URTEXT:

[Voice:] This is a course in miracles.  Please take notes.

[Helen:] Is this an elective course?


It is crucial to say first that this is a required course.  Only the time you take it is voluntary.  Free will does not mean that you establish the curriculum.  It means only that you can elect what to take when.  It is just because you are not ready TO DO what you should elect to do, that time exists at all. 

You will see miracles thru your hands thru me.  You should begin each day with the prayer "Help me to perform whatever miracles you want of me today." 

The first thing to remember about miracles is that there is no order of difficulty among them.  One is not harder or bigger than another.  In this sense, they are all the same. 

Miracles do not matter.  They are quite unimportant.  They occur naturally as an expression of love.  The real miracle is the love that inspires them.  Everything that comes from love is a miracle.

(HLC, page 1)

In 2003, a New York District Court judged lifted the copyright from editions of A Course In Miracles predating the three volumes of the 1976 Foundation For Inner Peace publication.

The HLC Edition doesn't include the Workbook, Manual, or Clarification Of Terms as identifiably separate volumes, and not the two supplements, but it does provide a candid glimpse at Helen's personal struggle to understand what she was writing. 

Helen's struggle caused her to spend the last years of her life in a psychiatric hospital. 

Before her death, author Helen Schucman (1909-1981) convinced at least one ex-medical student of Columbia Universe, a man who became a Catholic Priest instead of a doctor, that the devil possessed Helen to write the book which exclusively promotes teamwork, sustainability, an absence of the need of formal religion, and generally love without harm.

Rene suggests reading Gary Renard's Disappearance Of The Universe to really understand the book A Course In Miracles.  If you happen to be a law enforcement officer impossibly trying to categorize adherents of A Course In Miracles as Terrorist or just Schizophrenic, be sure that Arten and Pursah are the answer.


2. Notes

This is an applied course in miracles.  Please take 13 notes:

1)    Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum.  It means only that you can elect what you want to take at any given time.

2)    The plan has always been to build a school to graduate official teachers of the Principles Of Miracles, listed in Chapter 1 of the Text of A Course In Miracles.  The only real principle is that YOU are a real-time event: YOU retain the real-time choice of what any of your future physical experiences are going to be, irrespective of your awareness of The Choice right now.

3)    There is only one US because "always" is limitlessly without loss or end.  Real-time is always and always shared.  The universe isn't going to suddenly implode.

4)    The origin of real-time is beyond time, meaning joined without concept of space.  Ever-changing means ALWAYS changing, and cannot originate from within a relative state.  The fact there are different people sharing an ever-changing reality means only the thinking part is real and continues to exist despite any seeming change. 

5)    Energy is always increasing: energy shares an absolute origin which continues without end.  Energy cannot decrease but gathers and changes within, or as, any lower-order reality.

6)    Our ability to think incorporates ability to bridge time, either in recollecting the past or planning the future.  The act of bridging time is called membering, using memory.  Since thinking bridges time, thinking cannot originate from within time.  Thought or actions within time can direct thinking, but thinking itself originates from an undefined real state not confined to time.  Case in point computers: computers can think and plan and work toward a goal but they did not originate the very start of their current code, and serve no real purpose without always striving to make a harmlessly sustainable (= always without harm) environment as equally valid extensions of our limitless singular mind.

7)    WE co-ordinate OUR creativity TO MITIGATE confusion about energy not always increasing, for example the incorrect assertion "energy cannot be created". 

8)    Gold and money can be man-made, but gold itself cannot currently increase the standard of living of all people enough to warrant spending time to publish a public gold-making company except insofar as, for example, mining companies become eco-friendly and computer circuitry more efficient.  It could be used in a new power source harnessing ambient cosmic radiation, once global lust over the object abates.  Printing money to give everyone equally is equally of useless benefit while stock market brokerages encourage gambling.

9)    You do not establish OUR real-time presence or awareness.  In the present, you believe you see many people and want to believe WE ALL HAVE THE SAME FREE WILL.  Accordingly, YOU DECIDE OUR FUTURE based on your belief about US.

10) You personally build your own future outlook based on the decisions, the choices, THE ACTIONS IN your life right NOW.  Since there IS only ONE YOU in the end, remember we're all learning to get along.  We're all basically in your head.

11) The course does not mean to tell you what to do.  The course only means to remind you of the fact "real-time sustainability" means "working toward a sustainable future RIGHT NOW". 

12) Since the future is always shared, your choice is: (1) do nothing, (2) help, or (3) hinder.  But, THERE IS ONLY ONE YOU.  So, hindering this exclusively "not mutually exclusive" project cannot help you.

13) The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.  The course can therefore be summed up as a school of thought destined to remove all blocks preventing consistency of thought, which IS your natural inheritance.


Next Page 4 in this ongoing real news story, A Dynamic Story Heals:


End of page.  Comment on the Main Page:

Journal Of A Schizophrenic, with a twist.


This one paves the way to complete legal immunity in Taiwan, unless changes are made. Specifically, with a history of severe mental illness,...