Friday, August 13, 2021

news0001. Taiwan deceives the world | 臺灣欺騙世界 saves Taiwan's International Fraud

_news0001 | updated 22 Aug 2022, by Rene Helmerichs with Google Translate

NOTE = the international Miracle University (a work in progress) = the work to restore Constitutional freedoms in Taiwan.

You are seeing this message from The Cloud.

(That's a fact.)



Nationwide, Taiwan's Ministry of Health violates Republic Of China Constitution Article 13, the right to religiously believe in a non-physical aspect of self, a reincarnated mind.  (The Chinese characters representing "mind" are "心靈").  This is problem, because the Communist government requires people to believe "country is God" but publicly Taiwan declares it's a democratic nation and a leader of international Human Rights. 


Publicly, the Taiwan government doesn't admit to being communist.  However, as the judges in courts of law proved in the case of one foreigner, Rene Helmerichs, what the government publicly advertises and privately does are two very different things:



You are hearing it here first.  This is an original post.  I did the research, without prompting, without support, and absolutely without help (except from Google Translate, thanks Google!).



1. Taiwan deceives the world | 臺灣欺騙世界

For the past 72 years, the Taiwan government fraudulently claims the government of China relocated to Taiwan in 1949 (China year 38).


Taiwan's deception is the cause of serious resentment from the people of China.  This is an international call to end the argument before it escalates into war.



2. Screencast 7 Aug 2021 | 截屏

A video from Taiwan government's own website on 7 Aug 2021 (China year 110) digs up forgotten history:



3. Video doesn't show | 視頻沒有顯示

Two history facts are implied, and not disputed:


1) In 1945 (China year 34), there was only one government of China, and that government was called the "Republic Of China". 


2) The goal since 1912 (Year "1" of the Republic Of China government, in Taiwan and on the mainland) was to make the Chinese government a democratic government.



4. Video shows | 視頻顯示

3) In 1945 (China year 34), Taiwan became a province of China again (China gave Taiwan to Japan in 1895 until 1945).


4) On 1 Jan 1947 (China year 36), the democratic Republic Of China (R.O.C.) Constitution began.


5) In December 1949 (China year 38), the Republic Of China government "relocated" to Taiwan.


6) On 25 Oct 1971, the United Nations had to officially tell Taiwan: "You're not the government of China".  (Countries can apply to the United Nations to receive designation as a "States Party", meaning, among other things, the country respects a universal everywhere-consistent concept of honesty).



5. Present Day | 今天

Taiwan refuses to acknowledge that Taiwan's "Republic Of China" Constitution was written by the people of China, for the people of China


Instead, the current Taiwan government purchased 13 billion USD of military supplies during the Trump Administration (2017 to 2021) to complete the theft of the island from the mainland China, with support of international democratic countries of course. 


This'll turn into World War III unless we work together to unravel the twisted plot of high-seated warmongers.



6. Understanding the problem | 了解問題

The problem isn't dedication.  The problem is understanding.


The introduction and first three articles of the Constitution of The Republic Of China proves that the people of China retain ownership over the island of Taiwan, since the people received the island, in 1945 (China year 34), as a united country of China. 



7. China constitutionally owns Taiwan | 中國根據憲法擁有臺灣

(中文原文 | Original in Chinese)


英語 (Chinese):

公布日期:民國360101日,Announced Date: 1947-01-01

法規類別:憲法,Category: Office of the President(總統府)

法規名稱:中華民國憲法,Title: Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan)





















(Official English translation | 官方英文翻譯)

The following was retrieved on 21 Aug 2021 from the Taiwan government's "Laws and Regulations Database of the Republic Of China":

English (英語):

Announced Date: 1947-01-01

Category: Office of the President(總統府)

Title: Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

The National Assembly of the Republic of China, by virtue of the mandate received from the whole body of citizens, in accordance with the teachings bequeathed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in founding the Republic of China, and in order to consolidate the authority of the State, safeguard the rights of the people, ensure social tranquility, and promote the welfare of the people, does hereby establish this Constitution, to be promulgated throughout the country for faithful and perpetual observance by all.

Chapter I. General Provisions

Article 1

The Republic of China, founded on the Three Principles of the People, shall be a democratic republic of the people, to be governed by the people and for the people.

Article 2

The sovereignty of the Republic of China shall reside in the whole body of citizens.

Article 3

Persons possessing the nationality of the Republic of China shall be citizens of the Republic of China.

Chapter XIII. Fundamental National Policies

Section 1. National Defense

Article 137

The national defense of the Republic of China shall have as its objective the safeguarding of national security and the preservation of world peace.

The organization of national defense shall be prescribed by law.

Section 2. Foreign Policy

Article 141

The foreign policy of the Republic of China shall, in a spirit of independence and initiative and on the basis of the principles of equality and reciprocity, cultivate good-neighborliness with other nations, and respect treaties and the Charter of the United Nations, in order to protect the rights and interests of Chinese citizens residing abroad, promote international cooperation, advance international justice and ensure world peace.

Section 3. National Economy

Article 143

FYI: You should know the rules where you live.  If the government of Taiwan needs you to move so that it can build a better train system or something in Taiwan, then you have to sell your house to the government at the fair market value, which the government decides.  There's no arguing.  It's in Constitution Article 143.


8. Honesty as Consistency

The website at calls on United Nations States Parties to end the War over Taiwan



"Are You ready yet to help me save the world?" (~A Course In Miracles, C-2.9)


Upholding the Republic Of China Constitution

LuciferChristForWorldPeace (at that) | |

End of page.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


tlaw0005. Retrial of criminal accusations (KLSS is aggressor) @KLSS Tracking Page: tlaw0005

_tlaw0005 | updated 8 Sept 2021, by Rene Helmerichs


tlaw0005 at Tainan (臺灣臺南地方法庭)

Retrial of criminal accusations (KLSS is aggressor) @KLSS

Begun 11 Aug 2021, PDF:

Court case number, 案號:

Criminal Court judges allowed the Defendant to falsely accuse me of defamation and extortion without allowing me to prove the allegations as false.  I have a right to prove the allegations are false, if not in Criminal Court, then in Civil Court.

Judges illegally required me to pay for translations (this gets me the money).


Defendant (Six): 1‧人上人文化事業股份有限公司(VIP Education Ltd.)、2‧芝蔴街開門股份有限公司(Sesame Street Ltd.)、3Owner 林義德(LIN Yide)、4General Manager 江佩樺(CHIANG Clare)、5Teaching Dept. Manager 徐乙彤(XU Denise)、6ESL Prog. Manager 黃姿瑜(HUANG Stacy),

Relates to:

tpro0004, Crime Code 294 Abandonment:

tpro0005, Crime Code 169 False Accusations:

tpro0001, Crime Code 168 Perjury:

tlaw0006, Civil Retrial:


Back to list of TLAW Suits:


Upholding the Republic Of China Constitution | |

End of page.

Friday, August 6, 2021

tlaw0004. lack of Constitution Article 13 in mental assessments @CNPC @TPRO and Tracking Page: tlaw0004

_tlaw0004 | updated 8 Sept 2021, by Rene Helmerichs

A lawsuit to end the 94-year Chinese Civil War

Taiwan is violating the Constitutional right to religious freedom, the freedom to believe thinking originates in an eternal part of Self.  The problem is that mainland China co-authored the Constitution.  That means, if Taiwan doesn't shape-up, this argument can be used in International Court by mainland China.  Either Taiwan gains its independence with the support of churches, or mainland China gets international democratic support after revealing Taiwan to be as communist as China.  We can help Taiwan IF we ensure the common Constitutional right of Religious Freedom.


tlaw0004 at Tainan (臺灣臺南地方法庭) lack of Constitution Article 13 in mental assessments @CNPC @TPRO

Begun 6 Aug 2021, PDF:

Court case number, 案號:

Upholds Constitution Article 13, freedom of religious belief, in the face of Taiwan Ministry Of Health protocol requiring people to stop believing that an eternal source of mental health exists.


Defendant (Four): 1‧衛生福利部嘉南療養院(Taiwan MOHW)、2Dean 吳文正(WU Wenz-Heng),http://p15.rene.guru3‧臺南地方檢察署(Tainan Procuratorate)、4Tainan Attorney General 葉淑文(YE Shu-Wen,

Relates to:

tpro0003, Crime Code 294 Abandonment:


Back to list of TLAW Suits:


Upholding the Republic Of China Constitution | |

End of page.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Motion contains missing statements from court hearing record of 13 July 2021


_yuan0006 | dated 3 Aug 2021, by Rene Helmerichs

List of Yuan Pages: | Main Pages:

Motion PDF:






中華民國 | Taiwan


Tainan District Court case "108年度易字第1170"



Motion to verify missing statements from court hearing record of 13 July 2021


主旨| Subject


This motion (聲請) is made pursuant to Article 44-1 of the Criminal Procedure Code 《刑事訴訟法》.  There is a significant amount of crucial material missing from the court hearing record of 13 July 2021.  The court completely ignored that the defendant has a long history of mental illness, and the court intentionally denied the defendant the right to a lawyer.  Specifically (and this is missing from the record) the defendant explained "I'm severely mentally ill.  Because I'm delusional, I don't know what I perceive is real.  I have nine doctors that can tell you that.  So I need my lawyer as my witness so that I can ask my witness about things that happened, to know if they really happened."  The defendant clearly wanted the help from the lawyer, but, as the record indicates, the court completely ignored the defendant's request for help. 


說明| Description


The interpreter didn't translate what the defendant said.  In fact, there are a great many examples of statements which the interpreter didn't translate.  The defendant offers the court three concrete examples of statements of false or missing statements from the 13 July 2021 transcript.  The first two examples are missing statements.  The third example is a very short statement from lines 11 to 12 on page 2 of the court hearing record which attempts to summarize over 10 minutes of dialogue, and which missed the key point to such a severe degree that the official statement in the court record is blatantly false.


First, at 10:08:56 AM, the defendant said

"The Psychiatrist denied me the mental assessment.  It wasn't my request (It wasn't my fault.  I didn't decline the assessment.).  I was there (at 衛生福利部嘉南療養院 on 31 May 2021) for a mental assessment and he (Doctor 李俊宏) said I couldn't have it.  So we need a new psychiatrist."



Second, at 10:12:16 AM, the defendant said:

Now, there's another letter from a different psychiatrist, and he says:

"In my opinion, Mr. Helmerichs (that's me), requires ongoing psychiatric treatment.  His mental status is unlikely to improve, and is likely to worsen in the absence of treatment."

That means it's only going to get worse.  So, on August 5th, 2015, the court actually declared me insane.  The court took away my right to refuse medication, they brought me to a hospital, they locked me up, and they forcibly injected me because they wouldn't let me talk in court.  And now I'm in court again, and you're expecting me to talk, without a mental assessment.  You're funny.  You're really funny.





Third, the interpreter falsely claimed, at lines 11 to 12 on page 2 of the court hearing record, the Chinese document claims the defendant said "I have delusions, schizophrenia, and mental illness, so I need lawyer 林泓帆 as a witness, and I can clarify some facts through cross-examination."  That is not what the defendant was saying!  Specifically, the defendant wasn't intending to use a lawyer to clarify facts but to ensure that the defendant is not misperceiving reality!  The defendant needed the safeguard because of the defendant's history with severe mental illness including Delusional Disorder and aggravated (extreme) psychosis.  The missing record is provided to the court so that the court can compare the oral testimony with the written English dialog transcribed from the recording into this document.


Regarding the third item, the false translation in the court record and additional missing statements to evidence that the judge was well aware that she did not allow the defendant to have a lawyer despite the fact that the defendant specifically told the court that he wants a lawyer:

上午9:34分02秒,被告人告訴法庭,被告人“需要”林宏帆律師作為證人。英文單詞“need”的真正含義(與被告在法庭上使用的含義相同)是指義務而非選擇,「I need to call Lawyer Lin as a witness.」【“我必要打電話給林律師作證。”】。譯者問「So‧you‧are‧gong‧to,‧um,‧so‧you‧are‧going‧to‧terminate‧the‧lawyer‧and‧client‧relationship?」【“所以你要去,嗯,所以你要終止律師和客戶的關係?”】之後再次強調這一點。被告回答:「Well,‧I‧don't--You're‧not‧giving‧me‧a‧choice.」【“嗯,我沒有——你沒有給我選擇。”】。法庭口譯員沒有翻譯被告想要說的話。相反,法庭口譯員開始與被告爭論,「So,areyougoingtoterminatetherelationshipasalawyer-client,ornot?"」【“那麼,您是否打算終止作為律師與客戶的關係?”】。

At 9:34:02 AM, the defendant told the court that the defendant "needs" Lawyer Scott (林泓帆) as a witness.  The English word "need", in the true meaning (the same meaning which the defendant used in court) refers to an obligation and not a choice, "I need to call Lawyer Lin as a witness." This is again emphasized after the translator asked "So you are gong to, um, so you are going to terminate the lawyer and client relationship?" The defendant answered "Well, I don't--You're not giving me a choice."  The court interpreter didn't translate what the defendant was trying to say.  Instead, the court interpreter began arguing with the defendant, "So, are you going to terminate the relationship as a lawyer-client, or not?"


This is the missing record which doesn't appear in the court hearing record, and which proves that the judge intentionally ignored courtroom procedure, courtroom etiquette, the defendant's lawful right to request counsel, and all common sense.  These are the original English words spoken in court which the interpreter does not appear to have translated because the courtroom record does not contain the essential meaning of the Defendant's statements, namely, the defendant is a severe mental patient and has a right to mental health assessment.  The court is denying the mental health assessment, use of a lawyer during cross-examination, use of an interpreter, calling necessary favourable witnesses, and objects to a criminal investigation of proof that the prosecutor's witnesses are lying.  This is just the start of the missing statements.  The Defendant hasn't had time to look at the record more carefully.  The time limit to submit this to the court is 7 days according to Article 44-1:



Court hearing transcript, part of the missing record


Date |日期:13 July 2021 | 民國110713

Time interval | 時間間隔:9:33 AM to 10:16 AM | 上午933至上午1016

Courtroom number | 法庭號碼:11

Criminal court case number: 南院武刑歲108年度易字第1170

Court address: 708台南市安平區健康路三段308


9:33:23 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: So, do you still need assistance from a lawyer or public defendant?

Defendant: I need to call Lawyer Lin as a witness.

Interpreter: Your lawyer cannot be a witness.

Defendant: Right, so--

9:34:16 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Defendant: But, that's why he's not my lawyer.  Is she asking me questions?  Can I talk?  He's not my lawyer today.  I need to call him as my witness.

9:34:44 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: so you don't want him to be your lawyer anymore?

Defendant: I want a lawyer but I need him as my witness and he's telling me (that) he can't be my lawyer and my witness.  He can only be one.

9:35:00 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: So, are you going to terminate the relationship as a lawyer-client, or not?

Defendant: Well, the court can terminate the relationship.  I need him as my witness.  I want him also as my lawyer, but I need him as my witness.

Interpreter: (The interpreter interrupts the defendant instead of translating what the defendant said) It's up to you.

Defendant: Great, then let him be my lawyer and my witness.

9:35:48 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: Do you need a lawyer to assist in the process of cross-examination?

Defendant: Well, I mean, I have no idea what's going on.

Defendant: Well, I don't--You're not giving me a choice.

Interpreter: So, are you going to terminate the relationship as a lawyer-client, or not?

Defendant: Well, the court can terminate the relationship.  I need him as my witness.  I want him also as my lawyer, but I need him as my witness.

Interpreter: [interrupting me] It's up to you.

Defendant: Great, then let him be my lawyer and my witness.

9:36:18 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: Do you need a lawyer to assist in the process of cross-examination?

Defendant: Well, I mean, I have no idea what's going on. 

9:36:42 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: So, later we will proceed with the cross-examination.  Either you have your lawyer to proceed with that process for you, or ---

Defendant: or you didn't answer my question if the lawyer is going to be a witness today.

9:37:12 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: We are talking.  He would be a lawyer and not be a witness.

Defendant: See?  Then we have to talk about that first.  The first problem.

9:37:29 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Defendant: She [the judge] is trying to trick me.  It doesn't work that way.

Defendant: We can be here all day talking about this.

9:37:54 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Defendant: --can, can I... Can I let you in on a little secret?

9:38:23 AM (Judge stopped to listen, but ignored the question.  Judge continues speaking in Chinese.)

Defendant: What did she (the judge) say?

Interpreter: So, for today's process, either you find Lawyer Lin Hongfan (Scott, 林泓帆) to be your lawyer, otherwise, you dis-assign (dismiss him).  You just terminate the relationship.

Defendant: I'm delusional, and I'm Schizophrenic.  I'm severely mentally ill.  Because I'm delusional, I don't know what I perceive is real.  I have nine doctors that can tell you that. 

9:38:56 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: So you're not--

Defendant: So I need my lawyer as my witness so that I can ask my witness about things that happened, to know if they really happened.

9:39:18 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Defendant: Otherwise I'm misperceiving things.

9:39:27 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

9:39:58 AM (林泓帆 and judge)

9:41:12 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: so, according to the record you have already applied to the Legal Aid Association that you want to change your lawyer.  You want to terminate your relationship with Lawyer Lin.  Is that correct?

Defendant: That's incorrect (not correct).  I told Legal Aid that I need Lawyer Scott (林泓帆) as my witness today, and Lawyer Scott (林泓帆) told me that he can't be my witness and be my lawyer.  So I said, "Well, we're going to figure it out.  This is how we start."  So, I submitted the document to court on July 5th to ask the court if Lawyer Scott (林泓帆) can be my witness.  Then I told Legal Aid.  I said "If lawyer Scott (林泓帆) can't be my lawyer and my witness, then please get me a new lawyer."  And so Legal Aid has decided to get me a new lawyer.  But, your Honour, this is your courtroom.  You can say that he can be my lawyer and be my witness.  It's completely within your power. 

9:42:13 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: (begins speaking and abruptly stops)

Defendant: Conclusion: I didn't say what she said I said.

Defendant: It's not my choice.

Defendant: It's literally your choice.

9:43:00 AM (Judge conferring with the other two judges)

9:43:37 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: Ok, do you want Scott (林泓帆) to be here?  During the process of cross-examination, or do you want him to be temporarily out of this court?

Defendant: Can he be my lawyer and my witness?

Interpreter: No, no, no.  He can't be both.

Defendant: So you just made the choice.  So why do you keep asking me?

9:44:14 AM (Judge, Interpreter, and 林泓帆 speaking in Chinese)

9:45:16 AM (Everyone is silent)

Defendant: So, what's going on?

Interpreter: We're going to proceed with the cross-examination.

9:45:21 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Defendant: Ok, the first issue--we have some procedural items. 

Interpreter: No, no, no.  It's not your turn to talk.

Defendant: Oh, ok.  Let me know when it's my turn.

9:45:30 AM (a lot of Chinese, no one interpreted)

Interpreter: Ok, I'm going to read you your rights. 

Number 1, you have the right to remain silent.  You don't have to make any statements against your will.  [How about not taking any of my statements out of context against my will?] 

Number 2, you have the right to legal counsel.  And if you are economically under-privileged, such as you have low income or also you are aboriginal or other social status, you have the right to request legal assistance. 

And number 3, you have the right to ask for investigation of evidences that are favourable to you.  Do you understand your rights? [Is this just something the court says, or do they actually mean what they say?]

Defendant: I would like a lawyer, and I would like a criminal investigation why I did not have a psychiatric assessment.

Interpreter: Uh, you want an investigation of what?

Defendant: Rene: The doctor is saying that I declined the mental assessment, that's not true.  I want a criminal investigation.

Interpreter: The doctor said you declined the assessment?

Defendant: Scott (林泓帆) wrote me that the doctor said that I declined the assessment.  I did not decline the mental assessment.

Interpreter: Ok, ok.

9:47:01 AM (Judge, Interpreter, and 林泓帆 speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: Well, since you insist to have a lawyer, would you like to have Scott Lin (林泓帆)?

Defendant: We can't have this unless he's going to be a witness because I'm Delusional.

Interpreter: Alright, regarding the facts of crime as stated in the indictment, do you have anything you need to add, or--

Defendant: Is the court going to accept that I have mental illnesses including Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorder?

Interpreter: I, I'm sorry?

Defendant: Is the court willing to accept that I have mental illnesses including Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorder?

Interpreter: So,

9:49:23 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: So, do you plead guilty to all the charges?

Defendant: You're asking a Delusional person.  I'm not qualified to plead anything.

Defendant: I appreciate that you just want me to go to jail.  Thank you very much, fucking bitch.

9:50:07 AM (Judge keeps talking)

Defendant: So, question number 1: Do you accept that I'm delusional and schizophrenic?

9:50:42 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: It's not a matter of acceptance.  Well, today's process includes calling the following wit--

Defendant: Today's process is not valid if I am delusional.  And I'm telling you (that) nine doctors told me that I'm delusional. 

9:51:02 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: Well, today's focus is on the legal matters instead of, you know, the psychiatric mattes. 

Defendant: If you are asking me to answer any question, then you have to respect that I am Delusional, and that my answer is invalid. 

9:51:49 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Defendant: [interrupting but ignored] I can prove that I'm innocence, I have the material.

9:52:13 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: We're going to have the first witness to step forward

Defendant: The first witness is my wife.

9:52:40 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Defendant: The first witness is my wife.

Interpreter: No, no, no.  No, according to.

9:52:59 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: No, you have to accept that you have three witnesses today.  It's going to be your ex-colleagues.  Otherwise, the process won't be able to move on.  [An error should be stopped and not allowed to continue!]

9:53:04 AM (silence)

Defendant: (referencing the police officer standing like a gorilla with clenched fists, visually fixated on a spot on the floor three paces ahead of him, standing with his back to main door) He looks like he's ready to jump on somebody.

Interpreter: Nope.

Defendant: You're not going to let me have my wife and my lawyer as my witnesses?

Interpreter: Well, according to the last hearing, we have--both parties have decided not to.  We are going to have three witnesses today, who are going to be Clare and the other two, as you can see here.  As for your wife and your lawyer Lin, well, they may be your witnesses but not today.

Defendant: Was I allowed to talk at the last hearing? [Reference to the actual contract termination date of 28 Dec 2017].

Interpreter: Well, that's for the last hearing.  Let's focus on today's process. 

Defendant: Great, let's focus on today's process.  I'm delusional and you're not allowing me to verify my reality. 

9:54:21 AM (Judge speaking in Chinese)

Interpreter: So, are you going to [give] responses to those three witnesses, or not?

Defendant: Am I allowed to verify my reality?

Interpreter: What do you mean about your reality?

Defendant: I'm delusional.  I don't know what's real and what's not real. 

Interpreter: So what's your point?

Defendant: [Shouting] My point is, first of all, we have a mental assessment.  The doctor said I wasn't allowed to have a mental assessment because I wouldn't submit my brain to a brain scan.  But my thinking doesn't come from my brain, it comes from Spirit.  And then the lawyer over there (Scott, 林泓帆) says that I'm the one who declined the mental assessment.  I'm the one who's sitting talking to a judge who's trying to get me to answer questions knowing that I'm delusional.

Defendant: What's my point?

9:55:55 AM (The interpreter abruptly stops talking.  Silence follows.)

Interpreter: Um

Defendant: Where'd we stop?

Defendant: Listen, the doctor wanted me to have a brain scan but I'm telling you that thinking doesn't come from my body.  I know that none of this is real. 

Interpreter: Ah, ok.  Just stop for a moment.  Let me finish that.

9:56:45 AM Defendant: If none of it is real, it's all equally not real.  And if it's equally unreal, then anything I say is not real.  So I can't answer any questions.  I can ask the witnesses some questions, but it would be a lot better for me if I actually understood where I am.



[Not translated.  At 9:56:45 AM on 13 July 2021.]


9:57:00 AM (judge)

Interpreter: So, aside from whole delusional matters, are you going to ask questions?

Defendant: ASIDE from?  That is the WHOLE point why we're here.  We are here specifically because nine doctors declared me Delusional in Canada, and I told that school that nine doctors declared me delusional in Canada, and they knew that I was delusional before they hired me, and now they're saying that I'm ruining their reputation.

Defendant: So we're here because of my Delusion!

Interpreter: Alright, let me finish that.

9:58:16 AM Interpreter: So, so that doesn't matter.  What matters today is whether or not we're going to proceed--



[At 9:58:16 AM the Interpreter said it doesn't matter if a person is severely mentally ill!  Did that really happen?]


Defendant: And before we proceed, I need to know if the court is willing to accept the fact that I'm apparently Delusional and Schizophrenic. 

9:58:29 AM (Interpreter and Judge speaking in Chinese for a long time)

10:00:34 AM Defendant [talking about the Chinese on the monitor]: I have no idea what that says.

Interpreter: Alright, the, uh, the later process, the process of questioning mentions later, we're going to do later is, we're going to determine whether all uh, whether just body um, effect of crimes, are valued or not in the indictment, and so whether, whether you are um, um, um, uh, Schizophrenia or D-Delusional, ah, what, uh, matter--we're going to have another, maybe we're going to have another assessment or in-in-investigation later after this hearing.  But that's not agreement according to what we're going to do today.  So, the point is, um, whether we're going to proceed with the cross-examinations and continue with the psychiatric assessment later, in another day. 

Defendant: Is that a "maybe", or will you give me a psychiatric assessment?

Interpreter: Well the Honour is going to have discussion with the other judges and get them to make a decision. 

Defendant: [Hysterical laugh] Well, let's investigate the first guy because the first guy said that he could do--that that hospital can do--a mental assessment on that day.  I have a transcript from that day.  He [the psychiatrist] said that a psychologist will do the mental assessment.  But his policy in the hospital says that if I don't do a brain scan, he doesn't let me have the mental assessment with the psychologist.  So then he said "Please go back to the court, and the court should be able to send you somewhere else."  I have a transcript of that with me, if you would like a copy. 

Interpreter: You have a transcript of that?

Defendant: I do.  I (audio) recorded everything.

Defendant: It's right here.

Interpreter: So, yeah, they are going to, um--

Interpreter: This is something that, I don't think, I think we do the cross examination or not?

Defendant: I can do the cross-examination.  I am requesting that I have two witnesses.  It will help you.

Interpreter: Well, we're going to have only--focus on those three witnesses today.  As for the other two, for your wife and--

10:04:20 AM Defendant: Then make another court date for the other two.

Interpreter: Alright, as for your request of the other two witnesses, your wife and Lawyer Lin, which is determined by the prosecutor.  It's not the judge's decision, alright?

Defendant: Ok.

Interpreter: And for today's cross examinations, without these two witnesses, are you going to proceed or not, it's up to you.  [It's up to the Defendant to proceed, but he can't correct errors, only proceed along the course they set?]

Defendant: Well, let's ask the prosecutor if I can have the two witnesses.

Defendant: Is there a confirmation on here [the monitor] that I gave a transcript of the hospital stuff?

Interpreter: Well, she accepted it.  It's going to be confirmed.

Defendant: Where is it written?  Is it in there?  Do you see it?

Interpreter: Yes, here.

Defendant: It says that I gave the transcript?

Interpreter: Yes.

Defendant: Ok, tell them to write down how many pages.  I don't see a page number.

Interpreter: [The translator points to the page number at the bottom of a page.] You see a page number here.

Defendant: Tell them how many pages I gave the court, please.  Tell them to write down how many pages I gave the court.

Defendant: [the monitor displayed the number "13"] two-sided

Interpreter: It's two-sided.

Defendant: Thank you.

Interpreter: Well, according to the, uh, the prosecutors, she doesn't feel there's a need for you to have your wife be a witness.

Defendant: Ok, then please tell the prosecutor we need to evaluate my mental state before we can continue.

10:08:56 AM Defendant: The Psychiatrist denied me the mental assessment.  It wasn't my request (It wasn't my fault.  I didn't decline the assessment.).  I was there for a mental assessment and he said I couldn't have it.  So we need a new psychiatrist. 



[Not translated.  At 10:08:56 AM on 13 July 2021.]


Interpreter: Um, or, um, it's not, it's not um, it's against the uh, uh, uh the process of litigation if you want to have, uh, Scott Lin, your lawyer, to be, to be your witness, to, uh, testify against the uh facts to be proved in this court.  And it is not, uh, it is against the process of litigation, so, and, and, and, and the witnesses are not here to prove all these, all these things and, and, and, according to law the, your witnesses have to, uh, personally involved boyya--



[There are 10 "um"s and "uh"s and 8 "and"s.  The speech was unintelligible.]


Defendant: Can you, can you, can you stop talking?  I actually--what she said, is bullshit.  I'm the one who's being accused.  It's my right to defend against accusations, and she's denying me a defense.  So, allow me to provide the court with evidence that I have a severe mental illness from a court transcript dated August 5th, 2015, psychiatrist William Komer.  He says that I have Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Delusional Disorder, Psychosis, and Psychosis not otherwise specified, with a bunch of other differential diagnoses.

10:12:16 AM Defendant: Now, there's another letter from a different psychiatrist, and he says:

"In my opinion, Mr. Helmerichs (that's me, the defendant), requires ongoing psychiatric treatment.  His mental status is unlikely to improve, and is likely to worsen in the absence of treatment."

That means it's only going to get worse.  So, on August 5th, 2015, the court actually declared me insane.  The court took away my right to refuse medication, they brought me to a hospital, they locked me up, and they forcibly injected me because they wouldn't let me talk in court.  And now I'm in court again, and you're expecting me to talk, without a mental assessment.  You're funny.  You're really funny.



[Not translated.  At 10:12:16 AM on 13 July 2021.]


Defendant: Two witnesses can verify my delusion for me.  If you won't give me that--

Interpreter: Uh, the prosecutor is going to request witness to Clare Jung, that's about the facts to be proved will be the main focus of today. 

10:15:14 AM Defendant: Ok, so how about my witnesses?  Am I allowed to have my witnesses?



The defendant told the judge "Fuck off with your accusations!" at the end of court because the judge, like the lawyer, and everyone else, is wrongly accusing the Defendant.  They insist that he refused the mental assessment on 31 May 2021 when in fact the doctor declined to separate the mental assessment from a physical assessment, and the court subsequently refuses to investigate why!  The defendant did not decline the mental assessment on 31 May 2021.  The judge literally drove the defendant to have another mental breakdown!  This is the opposite of what a court is supposed to do!  Please accurately translate "Fuck off with your accusations!" (including emotional expression in using offensive language) or directly state the English in the revised court hearing record of 13 July 2021.  If the English is incorporated, remember to use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS to adequately express the extent to which the judge intentionally instigated the mental breakdown, especially after denying the defendant the right to a criminal investigation about it.


Furthermore, the judge also accused the defendant of refusing the mental assessment on 13 Oct 2020.  That accusation is probably also missing from the Chinese record.  The defendant would like to arrogant judge to understand that Criminal Procedural Law does not allow a psychiatrist to assess the defendant about possible delusions until the court establishes that a crime occurred.  Since the court did not investigate any of the defendant's defence submission dated 29 April 2020, and the court did not order a second opinion about the false Chinese translation which the cram school managers allege to be extortion, therefore, Criminal Procedure required the Defendant to postpone the first mental assessment. 




***The submission to court contained the 28-page Chinese-language

court hearing record from 13 July 2021 right here ***




According to 《刑事訴訟法》第44-1, the defendant has a right to make a motion to request the playing of the audio or video records for the purpose of correcting the contents thereof.  The Defendant claims:




1. The court denied the defendant the right to a lawyer.

2. The court denied the defendant the right to an investigation why the doctor did not complete the court-requested mental assessment of 31 May 2021.

3. The court denied the defendant the right to an investigation why the prosecutor's witnesses sent the defendant multiple emails that he will take an unpaid vacation beginning on 25 Jan 2018 until he receives a mental assessment, but the prosecutor's witnesses falsely told the court they fire the defendant on 25 Jan 2018.  




4. The court denied evidence from lawyer Scott (林泓帆) that the prosecutor's witnesses fabricated the 25 Jan 2018 termination date in order to conceal major criminal fraud occurring at Kidsland school (芝麻街凱仕蘭).  For example, the managers allowed a severely mentally ill Defendant to supervise young students overnight during a school trip on 14 Aug 2017, after the Defendant told the managers that the defendant is also accused of sexual stalking and child abuse in Canada.  (The defendant's wife can verify the previous sentence is accurate, but the court didn't allow her to be a witness.)

5. The court did not ensure that the interpreter translated the trial to the defendant (because there are a lot more missing statements from prosecutors and judges which the interpreter did not translate, in addition to the entire indictment).

6. The court did not ensure that the interpreter translated what the defendant said to the court.




7. The court did not allow the defendant to impress upon the court that the defendant suffers from severe Delusional Disorder and needs absolute verification that events in his environment are actually occurring, for example, did the court really denied a defendant the right of legal counsel knowing that the defendant has a history of severe mental illness? 

8. Criminal Procedural law allows the defendant to call witnesses both favourable and not favourable to his defence.  It's not proper procedure to only use adverse witnesses and not allow the defendant to have beneficial witnesses. 

9. The court did not follow proper procedure, at all.  We can please begin with a translation of the indictment at the next scheduled court date, 11 Aug 2021.

   | End argument


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Upholding the Republic Of China Constitution


This one paves the way to complete legal immunity in Taiwan, unless changes are made. Specifically, with a history of severe mental illness,...