PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ghAn8MN2dYDR-EA46t1Ke5hRyXiwHDfs/view?usp=sharing
International Trade Laws require accurate interpretation. MiracleU starts on Page 1. 擁護中華民國憲法:國際貿易法需要準確解釋,MiracleU從第1頁開始。
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
tlaw0007. Civil Suit against Psychiatrists, assessment protocol violation @CNPC
www.MiracleU.org Tracking Page: tlaw0007
_tlaw0007 | dated 9 Nov 2021, by Rene
Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jrs6CmOEcdxzfUye6W226h43UWuIlVZQ?usp=sharing
9 Nov 2021 PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XAChawwDFoeBnJFriKeGKnBlD-tOA6H4/view?usp=sharing
This is a new case.
A separate case deals with the Constitutional Rights violation of mental patients when doctors force patients to have a physical assessment as a mandatory prerequisite of a mental assessment.
In this case, we begin with the argument that all psychiatric diagnostic reference texts, to be a standard book of reference, must allow patients to have their cultural beliefs. We use the DSM, the Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders, as an example to prove that psychiatrists are not following the stipulated assessment guidelines. That's what this case is about. And, of course, there are witnesses and real harm imposed on the plaintiff, so it's not just an airy case.
The first submission occurred on 9 Nov 2021, to begin the case. It's linked at the top.
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of page.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
tlaw0008. Retrial of tlaw0004, Constitutional Rights Of Mental Patients @CNPC @TPRO
www.MiracleU.org Tracking Page: tlaw0008
_tlaw0008 | dated 2 Nov 2021, by Rene
Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aPGHNssRZaQ5lug8Njajt9AFUU-UaK-o?usp=sharing
First submission on 2 Nov 2021: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WROVve9Htz9ZLukugZkvXm277tQn8__h/view?usp=sharing
This is a retrial of tlaw0004.
tlaw0004 claimed that Psychiatrists in Taiwan
are not allowing mental patients to have the Constitutional freedom of
religious belief. The Constitution is of
the Republic Of China government, which was enacted in 1947. In 1947, the Constitution represented all
people of China, and nothing has changed since that time.
Current in Taiwan (aka the "Republic Of
China"), doctors insist that an assessment of physical health (a brain
scan, urine sample, x-rays, and blood work) is compulsory before doctors are
able to perform an assessment of mental health.
The requirement of a physical assessment stops
mental patients from believing that everyone shares a common eternal mind. However, if everyone shares a common eternal
mind, then the eternal mind sustains (governs) a person's soul. That is, a person's soul causes (allows or
creates) all thinking of the person. In
other words: if an eternal mind exists, then then thinking never originates in
the physical body. And, if thinking
never originates in the physical body, then an assessment of physical health
cannot be a prerequisite to determining the mental health of a person.
It doesn't matter whether an eternal mind
actually exists. We can also call an
eternal mind "a common Spirit" or God, since eternity is without
limits or end. Anything eternal is
necessary part of a singular consciousness, which everyone must implicitly
share (despite personal beliefs to the contrary).
The issue is only the fact that the law must
allow a person to have the option to believe that God exists. If doctors insist that thinking originates in
the physical body, then doctors stop people from believing that thinking
continues after death of the physical body.
It's not really an argument, since the world
is always changing. That is: because the
world is always changing, fact of an "eternal" existence is proven. There is a second way to "prove"
that thinking cannot originate in the physical body.
This is really only superfluous information to
the reader of this website (it doesn't affect the court proceedings): a
person's thinking includes the ability to bridge time. We "think" (plan, consider,
imagine, scheme, associate with past experiences) in order to
"learn", we literally decide what future we want to experience based
on our current thinking. (And yes, that
means all futures do exist, and yet a reality beyond concept of time also
exists). Because our natural thinking
process can bridge different points in time, therefore thinking cannot be
limited to anything inside the system of time.
That means our thinking process originates in a reality which exists beyond
As mentioned, the courtroom argument only
concerns the ability of the people (specifically psychiatric patients) to
maintain the belief that an eternal reality exists at all times during the
mental assessment. Psychiatrists in
Taiwan current do not allow mental patients to believe that thinking doesn't
originate in the physical body because doctors require patients to undergo a
physical assessment (specifically a brain scan) before doctors allow patients
to receive an assessment of mental health.
In Canada, there is no requirement of a brain scan, yet doctors in both
Canada and Taiwan use the same international standard diagnostic manual, the
Diagnostic And Statistic Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM). The current version in 2021 is DSM-5.
If this case is denied, tlaw0007 presents a
second law suit designed specifically to address the fact that psychiatrists
are also violating the assessment requirements of the Diagnostic And Statistic
Manual Of Mental Disorders.
Anyway, it's a work in progress and it'll
probably take a lot more words to ensure psychiatrists stop violating the
patient's religious freedom of belief.
Or at least a lot more support!
So share the news!
I'm going to drop documents I get from the
court into the folder, which I linked at the top. That way I don't have to keep updating this
page. Updating this website takes time
out of my day, and really isn't necessary.
A simple folder link is enough. I
just need a public folder to share with friends and lawyers that become involved
in the case.
All documents which the court receives are
public documents. Therefore, none of the
content on this website is violating any actual laws, although I'm certain complainers
will wonder about that.
Share it if you want to help. Involve the news if can.
This was the first submission to begin
the High Court appeal of the Tainan District Court's decision (the decision
which allows doctors to violate my personal belief that my thinking continues
after my physical body dies, and I know for a fact that it does.)
PDF (22 pages): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WROVve9Htz9ZLukugZkvXm277tQn8__h/view?usp=sharing
Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aPGHNssRZaQ5lug8Njajt9AFUU-UaK-o?usp=sharing
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End of page.
Monday, September 13, 2021
Friday, September 10, 2021
tpro0008. Criminal Code 296 and 339-4 Aggravated Fraud @KLSS (CEO+3 managers)
www.MiracleU.org Tracking Page: tpro0008
_tpro0008 | dated 10 Sept 2021, by
Rene Helmerichs
tpro0008 at
Criminal Code 339-4 296 @KLSS
Begun 10 Sept https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iKPmql39jpt0OvmJI_me5yWxLJXoD_Ou/view?usp=sharing
Procuratorate case number, 案號:
The Defendant is a large cram school in
Tracking: http://reneguru.blogspot.com/2021/09/tpro0008.html
Defendant (Four): 1‧CEO and Owner 林義德(LIN Yide)、2‧General Manager 江佩樺(CHIANG Clare)、3‧Teaching Dept. Manager 徐乙彤(XU Denise)、4‧ESL Prog. Manager 黃姿瑜(HUANG Stacy),http://p7.rene.guru
Related to: EVERYTHING. This
is the start of everything.
Back to list of TPRO pages: http://p12.rene.guru
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of page.
This one paves the way to complete legal immunity in Taiwan, unless changes are made. Specifically, with a history of severe mental illness,...
www. M iracle U . work and www. M iracle U .org Tracking Page: tlaw0004 _tlaw0004 | updated 8 Sept 2021, by Rene Helmerichs A lawsuit to ...
www. M iracle U . org saves Taiwan (R.O.C.) _page0001 | updated 8 Sept 2021, by Rene Helmerichs What would you do if... You li...
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